Browse Chinese websites such as Taobao, Alibaba, etc., select the products you love, and confirm order details with the suppliers.
Upon registering on our website, you will be assigned a unique customer code. Please provide this code to the supplier and request them to attach it to the items you purchase. The customer code is crucial for accurate tracking and processing of your order.
If needed, we can assist with Renminbi payments. Customers only need to pay the equivalent peso amount, calculated at the current exchange rate. Please note that additional fees may apply.
Suppliers will send the purchased items to our office in China, where we'll handle receiving, storing, and preparing for shipment.
Work with us to select the shipping method that best suits your needs, whether it's fast air freight or cost-effective sea freight.
We'll ensure your purchased items are safely delivered to Davao, providing full tracking services throughout the process.
Once the products arrive in Davao, we'll promptly notify you and arrange delivery details to ensure safe arrival at your doorstep.